What to do if you feel you have Covid-19.

1 - MOST IMPORTANT - Visit the CDC Website

2 - Stay home except to get medical care.

3 - Seperate Yourself from Others

4 - Monitor Symptoms

(These are not all possible symptoms, please call your medical provider for any other symptoms that are severe or concering you) If you find these symptoms:

  • Trouble Breathing
  • Persistent pain or pressure in the chest
  • Inability to wake or stay awake
  • Bluish lips or face

5 - Cover your coughs

6 - Wash your Hands

7 - Please see the CDC Website, it has all official info and updates about COVID-19.


How to Quarantine yourself.

In general, it's important to keep the circle smaller. At the moment, not exposing yourself to many additional people is best. Healthcare workers, people with critical jobs, and hourly employees who have to work will need to rely on childcare providers. In those situations, you may ask someone you know and trust, and who is reliable in taking the social distancing rules seriously. If possible, childcare providers should not be in a group that's at high-risk for Covid-19.

For self-quarantine you should have your basic supplies like food and thirty days of any medications being taken. If you should become sick, and in anticipation of becoming sick, you should have supplies like Gatorade—something to rehydrate—as well as cough medicine to manage symptoms, and Tylenol to assist with the fever.